The Ghost Story Supernatural Fiction Award Competition
It’s Halloween—and therefore time to publish the winner and two honorable mentions in our biannual short story competition. They are now ready for your reading pleasure.
Twice each year, we award $1,000 to the best story submitted to our contest, and $250 to each of two honorable mentions. In addition, all three stories are published online and in our print anthology, 21st Century Ghost Stories.
One interesting footnote on this set of stories: the winning piece is by the first writer every to win this contest for a second time.
This piece from The Washington Post provides a great overview of the many types of ghosts in Japan, where for centuries the restless souls of the departed have played an important role in the national mythology.
Turn the sound up before you play this; it’ll give you a pleasant chill.
The Finest In Supernatural Fiction, Magic Realism, And Literary Ghost Stories
One thousand dollars to the winner, $250 to each of two honorable mentions. Custom illustration and publication for all three both online and in our upcoming print anthology, 21st Century Ghost Stories: Volume II.
Taddeo: Winner Of The Summer 2017 Ghost Story Supernatural Fiction Award
. . . And We Start Accepting Submissions For Our Fall Contest On August 1
Since 2015, when The Ghost Story Supernatural Fiction Award began, winners and honorable mentions have included writers who had never before published a single word—as well as writers who had already received broad acclaim for their novels, nonfiction books, short fiction, poetry, and articles of all kinds.
Lisa Taddeo, author of our our summer 2017 TGS Fiction Award-winning story, “The Donegal Suite,” is one of the latter. At the time she submitted “The Donegal Suite,” she had already earned the first of her two Pushcart Prizes for a short story, as well as attracted a great deal of attention for her nonfiction articles in Esquire and other magazines.
Recently, Lisa also published her first book—a wonderful and searching piece of nonfiction titled Three Women, which has already gotten a great deal of attention in the media. We wanted to tell TGS readers about her book—and also to say congratulations to its author.
Rather than summarize “Three Women,” you can read more about it on its official publisher’s page.
Meanwhile keep in mind that very soon we will begin accepting submissions for our fall competition. If you’re a writer, and you are thinking about submitting a piece, please have a look at our contest guidelines.
Beyond that, we hope you’re having a great summer.
Volume II of our print anthology, “21st Century Ghost Stories,” has just been published. It contains all of our Summer 2018 to Summer 2021 winning and honorable mention stories from The Ghost Story Supernatural Fiction Award contest and The Screw Turn Flash Fiction Competition—30 fine supernatural short stories in all!