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For Your Reading Pleasure

The winner and two honorable mentions in our annual Screw Turn Flash Fiction Competition are now available for your reading enjoyment. This year, it’s a thoroughly international group of supernatural flash pieces, with a Canadian winner (for the second year in a row!) and two other fine stories from writers in England and the U.S. Have a look


The Door Is Creaking Closed On The 2020 Screw Turn Flash Fiction Competition

Indeed . . . The sand in trickling through the hourglass, the sun is slipping below the horizon, the pendulum is swinging to the bottom of the pit . . . or whatever ominous metaphor you prefer . . . our supernatural story contest has just a few short weeks left to run. The winner gets $500, plus publication both online and in our print anthology, 21st Century Ghost Stories—Volume II. Two honorable mentions receive $100 each, along with online and print publication.

But the deadline is midnight on January 31. So if you’re thinking about submitting, you need to hasten over to our contest page!

It’s That Time Of Year!

John Leech 1843

. . . Time To Submit Flash Fiction Stories!

Once a year, TGS runs The Screw Turn Flash Fiction Competition for short-short stories on a supernatural theme. That time is now, now through January 31.

We’re looking for fiction pieces of up to 1,000 words that have something to do with the uncanny. And while we love a good ghost story, submissions to the competition certainly do not have to be about ghosts—previous winners of our contests have included pieces revolving around vampires, voodoo, shape-shifting, elves, time slips, demons, magic realism, psychological horror, and many aspects of fantasy. What matters to us is the power of the author’s imagination, and the quality of their writing. [continue reading…]


An Illustration For Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream Painted In 1793-1794 By Swiss Artist Johann Heinrich Füssli

Open for Submissions December 15

The Screw Turn Flash Fiction Competition for supernatural and/or magic realism stories of 1,000 or fewer words runs only once a year—but that time now is almost here.

For particulars, visit our contest page. And of course, don’t forget to read the winning stories and honorable mentions from pervious years.