by Editor
on September 6, 2014
Antigonish—Or The Man Who Wasn’t There
It began with stories about the ghost of a man haunting the stairs of a haunted house in the Canadian town of Antigonish, Nova Scotia. Inspired by the stories, in 1899 American poet Hughes Mearns wrote a song about the ghost that he incorporated into his amateur play, The Psyco-Ed. In 1922, the song, now entitled Antigonish, was published as a poem in a New York newspaper. It became popular almost immediately, and in the late 1930s it was re-adapted into a hit song called The Little Man Who Wasn’t There.
Yesterday, upon the stair,
I met a man who wasn’t there.
He wasn’t there again today,
I wish, I wish he’d go away… [continue reading…]
by Editor
on September 1, 2014
Do Ghosts Exist Only In Our Minds?
The Reality Of Ghosts
Do ghosts exist? Has anyone ever actually seen, heard, or touched a ghost?
What we know for certain is that from the start of our own existence as a species, many if not most of us have believed in ghosts, and a good percentage of people have been convinced that ghosts have appeared to them or spoken to them. Throughout history, people in most of the world’s cultures have been afraid of ghosts. [continue reading…]
by Editor
on September 1, 2014
Ghost Stories Are Common In Most Of The World’s Cultures
Our Ghosts Have Been With Us Since The Beginning
Humankind has been haunted from the start—or at least for as long as we’ve been able to think, and to imagine. Tens of thousands of years ago, among our first thoughts not related our own physical needs were our speculations concerning what became of us once we were no longer alive. In stone-age cultures across the world, people concluded that the essence of a person survived beyond death. Ghosts—mostly but not always invisible to the living—became an important component of our humanity.
A ghost is an (usually) intangible remnant or reflection of a person’s individuality or consciousness that dwells on after that person has ceased to exist in the physical sense. The difference between a ghost and a “soul” is that, while a soul is usually thought of as a traveler to an otherworldly realm such as paradise or Hades, a ghost is earthbound, continuing to move among those it left behind. [continue reading…]