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For A Signed Copy . . .

My new haunted novel, American Ghost, is available in most of the usual online places—and even, perhaps, in your local bookstore. For a good description of the book combined with a professional, objective review, check out what Sam Reader at Barnes & Noble thought about American Ghost. And Keep scrolling through this post for my publisher’s “official” description as well as some comments from other writers.

A few Ghost Story readers have asked about signed copies (thank you!), so I’ve set up an easy way to order one. Step one is to click on the Paypal button below to pay for it. It’s a quick process with a credit card, and $20 covers the cost of the hardcover book, plus shipping to anywhere in the U.S. and Canada. (Sorry, overseas friends—postage for you folks is prohibitive. But Amazon will work for an unsigned copy. . . .)

Step two is to shoot me a quick e-mail at Editor@TheGhostStory.com and tell me how you’d like me to inscribe your book: Your name, or your friend’s, perhaps a brief message . . . If you just want my signature, however, then you can skip the e-mail part. I’ll just sign, and send.

As for the publisher’s description, which you’ll also find on the book jacket:

“An inventive metafictional novel, in which a drug-dealing biker must solve his own murder from beyond the grave. [continue reading…]


Mildred Anne Butler (1858-1941), Shades of Evening, 1904

The Fall 2017 Ghost Story Supernatural Fiction Award Competition Is Currently Open For Submissions

As always, our fall contest for full-length short stories features cash awards of $1,000, $250, and $100, as well as publication on Halloween for the winner and two Honorable Mentions. In addition, all three stories will be custom-illustrated by British artist and Folk Horror Revival founder Andy Paciorek.

If you’re thinking of entering a story or two in the contest, you’ll want to read our complete guidelines. And of course you’ll also want to have a look at the previous winners to get an idea of what we’re looking for, and to get a gauge of the competition.

Have fun, and good luck!


“Kikimora” by Andy Paciorek

New: Custom Illustrations For the Winning Stories!

We will begin accepting submissions to The Ghost Story Supernatural Fiction Award competition in just a few days, on August 7. You’ll find our complete contest guidelines and submission instructions on the contest page. You might also want to read our previous winners.

Once again, we’re offering a cash award of $1,000 to the author of the winning story, and additional cash awards of $250 and $100 for Honorable mention and Second Honorable Mention, respectively. We’ll also publish all three stories on Halloween, right here on The Ghost Story Website.

But that’s not all. While wonderful illustrations have accompanied the work of our previous winning and honorable mention writers, the art was always selected from artists’ portfolios, and not inspired specifically by the individual stories. However, starting with the fall 2017 competition, we’re making an exciting change. [continue reading…]


An Illustration For Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream Painted In 1793-1794 By Swiss Artist Johann Heinrich Füssli

An Interview With The Ghost Story

Duotrope, a website that lists literary publications and competitions that are open to submissions, just published an interview with TGS. If you’re thinking of entering our Ghost Story Supernatural Fiction Award competition, which opens on February 15, 2018 and offers the winner publication on Midsummer’s Eve and a cash award of $1,000, the interview will tell you a lot about what we look for, and how we make our decisions. Here’s a link.