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A Brief Respite

We continue working hard on our first supernatural-story anthology, 21st Century Ghost Stories—Volume I, which is due out in August. The paperbound book (Wyrd Harvest Press; Durham, U.K.) will include all winning and honorable mention stories published to date in The Supernatural Fiction Award and The Screw Turn Flash Fiction Competition.

Our illustrator, Andy Paciorek, has created images for about one third of the 29 stories so far—and this one is one of our favorites. It illustrates “A Brief Respite,” written by English writer C.L. Dalkin, which was our 2016 Screw Turn winner. Enjoy.


Our Inspired Illustrator

Our editor keeps editing, and our illustrator, Andy Paciorek, keeps illustrating, all with the goal in mind of having 21st Century Ghost Stories—Volume I, in readers’ hands by August.

The image above is just one of the many illustrations Andy has already produced for our anthology of supernatural stories that won or received honorable mentions in The Ghost Story Awards fiction competitions between 2015 and February, 2018. The ghostly figure, of course, is that of jazz great Louis Armstrong, whose spirit plays a prominent role in Gene Bryan Johnson’s short story, “Negroes Anonymous,” winner of the summer, 2016, Ghost Story Supernatural Fiction Award.

Scroll down to the next post for further information on 21st Century Ghost Stories. And for information on our current Supernatural Fiction Award contest, click here.


Andy Paciorek’s Illustration for Maura Stanton’s Short Story, “House Ghosts”—Winner of the Fall, 2015 Ghost Story Supernatural Fiction Award

Are You Ready For Volume One?

Much of the recent attention from readers and contest participants has been on Volume 2 of 21st Century Ghost Stories—and for good reason. The Winner and two Honorable Mentions in the current Supernatural Fiction Award competition will be published in this second volume, which is scheduled for publication by Wyrd Harvest Press in 2021. In fact, between now and October 31, 2021, all winners and honorable mentions in both Ghost Story contests—the biannual Fiction Award and our annual Flash Fiction Competition—will be slated for publication in Volume 2.

However, we’re excited to remind you that Volume One will be out in just a few months, and it will contain all the stories that were winners, or won honorable mentions, from the summer of 2015 through the winter of 2018. In all, that’s 29 full-length short stories and flash fiction pieces for your reading enjoyment.

Not only are we currently editing and designing Volume One, but British illustrator Andy Paciorek has been busy creating a visual interpretation of each piece. The illustration above is a good example of what you’ll see throughout our upcoming anthology. We can’t wait until a copy is in our hands. . . .


“I want to tell you that everyone that is dreaming of a parable—of using the genre of fantasy to tell the stories about things that are real in the world today—you can do it. This is a door; kick it open and come in.”

— Guillermo del Toro, on accepting the Oscar for Best Picture