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Deadline Reminder

Our Supernatural Fiction Award

The deadline for The Ghost Story Supernatural Fiction Award is April 30. If you’ve got a story you want to submit, but you haven’t uploaded it by the time April slides into May . . . you’ll have to wait for our fall competition, which runs from mid-August until September 30. You’ll find our contest guidelines and access to our online story submission system right here.


For Your Reading Pleasure

The winner and three honorable mentions in our annual Screw Turn Flash Fiction Competition are now available for your enjoyment. Have a look


Image: Curtis MacNewton

Bigger Cash Prizes In The Screw Turn Flash Fiction Competition

It’s time for another Ghost Story Awards contest. The Screw Turn Flash Fiction Competition is open for submissions until January 30. Short-short stories of between 250 and 1,000 words will be eligible for a cash award of $500 (winner) or one of two honorable mention prizes worth $250. All three winning stories will receive Valentine’s Day publication on The Ghost Story Website, as well as book publication in our upcoming anthology, 21st Century Ghost Stories: Volume II.

You can click right here for guidelines to our 2019 contest. Good luck!


The Time Draws Near!

On December 15, we will begin accepting submissions to our annual Screw Turn Flash Fiction Competition, for supernatural short-short fiction of under 1,000 words.

We’ve made some important changes to the contest—including increasing the cash awards. You can read all about it on our contest page.