One of my favorite Screw Turn Flash Fiction Pieces . . .
Is Tongues, by the Irish writer Emma Murtagh. I just find it to be one of the most chilling sudden pieces we’ve ever published. Have a read . . . and don’t forget that submissions to the current Screw Turn Flash Fiction Competition are due before the clock strikes 12 at the end of January 31.
The Screw Turn Flash Fiction Competition, for very short stories (under 1,001 words) incorporating a supernatural theme or element, comes around only once a year. But the time is now—and for our 2021 Screw Turn, we will be accepting submissions until January 31.
One extra-good piece of news for people who like to write uncanny fiction on a miniature scale: Our cash awards are bigger this year, with $1,000 for the winner, and $200 for each of two honorable mentions.
If you’re thinking about entering, have a look at our complete contest guidelines.
The three top stories in The Ghost Story Supernatural Fiction Award competition, Fall 2020 edition, have been published right here on The Ghost Story website for your reading pleasure. Have a look—and then why not visit our Facebook Page to let us know what you think.
Garret Johnson’s chilling psychological horror story, “Snake in the Attic,” was one of our two honorable mentions in the Summer 2020 Supernatural Fiction Award competition. And now it’s available in an audio version, thanks to Tony Walker, a fine and polished reader based in the U.K., and his Classic Ghost Stories Podcast. Have a listen.
And don’t forget the our Fall 2020 short story contest currently is underway. If you’re a writer, you might want to have a look at the guidelines.
Volume II of our print anthology, “21st Century Ghost Stories,” has just been published. It contains all of our Summer 2018 to Summer 2021 winning and honorable mention stories from The Ghost Story Supernatural Fiction Award contest and The Screw Turn Flash Fiction Competition—30 fine supernatural short stories in all!