by Editor
on July 24, 2022
Our New Permanent Four-Season Schedule
There’s a lot going on with The Ghost Story these days, now that we’ve added a summer edition of Screw Turn Flash Fiction Competition (for which the deadline recently closed). Not only will we be announcing and publishing the winner and honorable mentions of our new flash contest on July 31—but the very next day, on August 1, we’ll be OPENING submissions to the Fall 2022 Ghost Story Supernatural Fiction Award competition for full-length short stories (first prize $1,500 plus print and online publication; two honorable mentions each receive $300 plus publication.
Deadline for the Supernatural Fiction Award is September 30—with an October 31 announcement and publication of the winners.
So don’t forget to check back with us on August 1 to read the winners of the summer flash competition, and/or to enter your story in the Supernatural Fiction Award contest.
And if you’d like to see our complete and permanent deadlines and publications schedule . . . keep reading! [continue reading…]
by Editor
on June 6, 2022
A New Summer Flash Fiction Contest
Until now, we’ve run The Screw Turn Flash Fiction Competition only once a year, in the dead of winter. We’ve accepted submissions from December through January, with the winner and honorable mentions announced and published on Valentine’s Day.
But starting right now, with our new Summer Flash Contest, we’re doing it twice a year. Same guidelines, same word length . . . with a July 15 deadline and winning pieces presented to the world on July 31, just before the August 1 opening of our Fall Supernatural Fiction Award competition for full-length short stories.
The new Flash event now gives us an uncanny-story contest for each season of the year—flash fiction in the winter and summer, and full-length stories in the fall and spring.
If you like flash fiction—and particularly if you like to write flash fiction—the guidelines are only a click away.
Cheers —— The Editor
by Editor
on June 1, 2022
Now Published!
Treanor Wooten Baring, of Houston, Texas, won the spring 2022 Ghost Story Supernatural Fiction Award contest for her story, “The Unseen.”
Honorable mentions were awarded to Goldie Goldbloom for “The Hours” and Bradford Gyori for “Docking The Blue Impossible.” Read all three winning pieces here.
Also, be aware—and beware—we begin accepting submissions for our first-ever summer Screw Turn Flash Fiction Competition on June 6. Cheers — The Editor
by Editor
on February 14, 2022
Our Screw Turn Flash Fiction Competition Winners Are Posted Below
. . . And Our Full-Length Story Contest Opens
The Screw Turn Flash Fiction Competition-winning story for winter 2022 is “Heart Full Of Crows,” by Arthur Pike. To read it, just scroll down this page. Our honorable mention winners are Haley Kennedy, of northern California, for her story, “Birthday Cake,” and Mona Susan Power, of Minneapolis, for “War Bundle.” Susan Power has been here before: Her story, “Straw Dogs,” took the top prize in the 2021 Screw Turn Flash contest. Congratulations to all three of our flash fiction winners—and many thanks to our contest judge, Tara Lynn Masih.
Twice each year, The Screw Turn contest awards publication and cash prizes for excellence in supernatural fiction of between 250 and 1,000 words. For your reading enjoyment, all three stories are posted below, and will soon be available on the Screw Turn Story Page.
Our summer 2022 Screw Turn Flash Fiction Competition opens in early June. If you’re a writer who is interested in entering, keep an eye on this website for announcements.
Meanwhile, The Ghost Story Supernatural Fiction Award, our contest for full-length supernatural short stories of up to 10,000 words, opens for will be open for submissions as of February 15, with a deadline of April 30. If you’re a writer of supernatural fiction, have a look at our competition guidelines.